2024 Eastern Canadian Championships Report

The 2024 Eastern Canadian Championships will be remembered for the high wind sailing conditions. Racing was cancelled after one race on Saturday, as the wind speed reached 30 knots. Three races weresailed on Sunday in 15 to 23 knots of wind before the breeze built to the point that the RC sent sailors in. Twenty teams, including 15 sailors under 25 years old, participated in the event hosted at Kingston Yacht Club on August 10-11.

Ali Meller (who moved permanently to Kingston this year) sailing with Kyber Lovshin won the event placing 1 st in 3 of the 4 races series. Two USA teams place 2 nd and 3 rd , Duane Delfosse/Mike Hull in 2 ndand Thomas Kivney/Gordon Russell in 3 rd .

During the awards ceremony, Ali told the story that when he started sailing the 505 back in the 70’s he was mentored by John Moss (Shona Moss-Lovshin’s father and Kyber’s grandfather) and now he was able to win this event with the help of his grand-child.

The top youth sailor (Under 19 years old) was Sabina Bartlewska from Toronto, racing with her father Robert. The top female skipper was Debbie Ashby from Ottawa, who placed 5 th overall sailing with her husband Dave Adams. The Storer brothers from Ottawa both U19 sailors placed 13 th overall and 1 st youth team.

Jeff Boyd high light the effort and success of Shona Moss for the recruitment of younger sailors in the class. Jeff said that he had never been to a 505 regatta were parents ask him for advises.
The Canadian Class would like to thank Jeff Boyd for the organization of the event, Bill Visser the Race committee chair who did a fantastic job with his RC team, the Kingston Yacht Club and its manager Tom Wilson for their hospitality.

NB: Ali Meller (who is a Kingston Sail Loft (KSL) partner) was racing with a prototype KSL 505 Spinnaker. The spinnaker is a full triradial design with all panels arranged to line up warp threads with the loads radiating out from the corners. Kyber reported that it was very easy to fly.

Sailed: 4, Discards: 0, To count: 4, Entries: 20, Scoring system: Appendix A

RankSail NumberYacht ClubSkipperCrewR1R2R3R4TotalNett
1st8841KYCAli MellerKyber Lovshin1.
2nd8930LSYCDuane DelfosseMike Hull4.
3rdUSA 9005HYCThomas KivneyGordon Russell3.
4thCAN 8821KYCJeff BoydMartin ten Hove5.
5th8696NSCDeb AshbyDave Adams6.
6th8987MBSCPeter ScannellTed Huebner2.01.021.0 RET4.028.028.0
7th8587NSCPaul PlaceAlexander Tong8.
8th8850OHCCDouglas WatsonAlex Taylor9.
9thCAN 9028NSC/BYCMalcolm MacGillivrayDevlin Lovshin21.0 RET11.
10thCAN 7606OHCCRobert BartlewskiSabina Bartlewska10.08.021.0 RET11.050.050.0
11th920NSCMarie GendronDavid Browne7. DNC52.052.0
12thCAN 8442NSCThomas AdolphStephen Adolph21.0 DNF14.
13th7773NSCThomas StorerNathaniel Storer21.0 DNF15.
14th8753OHCCConor MorrisonDrake Morrison21.0 DNF17.
15th9138OHCCMarek BalinskiSteve Lovshin21.0 RET10.013.021.0 DNC65.065.0
16th8260 (and 005)NSCJoel VoyerSiqi Zhang21.0 RET12.012.021.0 DNC66.066.0
17th138NSCLuke StricklandChristian Voyer11.016.021.0 RET21.0 DNC69.069.0
18thCAN7605KYCLuca ManningAdam Gesing21.0 RET21.0 DNC15.021.0 RET78.078.0
19thCAN 8951OHCCHannah AbushJoshua Abush21.0 DNF21.0 DNC21.0 DNC21.0 DNC84.084.0
19th9186NSCShona Moss LovshinEvania Lovshin21.0 DNF21.0 DNC21.0 DNC21.0 DNC84.084.0


Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place

RankSail NumberYacht ClubSkipperCrewPlacePoints
18841KYCAli MellerKyber Lovshin11.0
28987MBSCPeter ScannellTed Huebner22.0
3USA 9005HYCThomas KivneyGordon Russell33.0
48930LSYCDuane DelfosseMike Hull44.0
5CAN 8821KYCJeff BoydMartin ten Hove55.0
68696NSCDeb AshbyDave Adams66.0
7920NSCMarie GendronDavid Browne77.0
88587NSCPaul PlaceAlexander Tong88.0
98850OHCCDouglas WatsonAlex Taylor99.0
10CAN 7606OHCCRobert BartlewskiSabina Bartlewska1010.0
11138NSCLuke StricklandChristian Voyer1111.0
12CAN 9028NSC/BYCMalcolm MacGillivrayDevlin LovshinRET21.0
12CAN 8442NSCThomas AdolphStephen AdolphDNF21.0
127773NSCThomas StorerNathaniel StorerDNF21.0
128753OHCCConor MorrisonDrake MorrisonDNF21.0
129138OHCCMarek BalinskiSteve LovshinRET21.0
128260 (and 005)NSCJoel VoyerSiqi ZhangRET21.0
12CAN7605KYCLuca ManningAdam GesingRET21.0
12CAN 8951OHCCHannah AbushJoshua AbushDNF21.0
129186NSCShona Moss LovshinEvania LovshinDNF21.0


Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place

RankSail NumberYacht ClubSkipperCrewPlacePoints
18987MBSCPeter ScannellTed Huebner11.0
28930LSYCDuane DelfosseMike Hull22.0
38841KYCAli MellerKyber Lovshin33.0
4USA 9005HYCThomas KivneyGordon Russell44.0
5CAN 8821KYCJeff BoydMartin ten Hove55.0
68696NSCDeb AshbyDave Adams66.0
78587NSCPaul PlaceAlexander Tong77.0
8CAN 7606OHCCRobert BartlewskiSabina Bartlewska88.0
98850OHCCDouglas WatsonAlex Taylor99.0
109138OHCCMarek BalinskiSteve Lovshin1010.0
11CAN 9028NSC/BYCMalcolm MacGillivrayDevlin Lovshin1111.0
128260 (and 005)NSCJoel VoyerSiqi Zhang1212.0
13920NSCMarie GendronDavid Browne1313.0
14CAN 8442NSCThomas AdolphStephen Adolph1414.0
157773NSCThomas StorerNathaniel Storer1515.0
16138NSCLuke StricklandChristian Voyer1616.0
178753OHCCConor MorrisonDrake Morrison1717.0


Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place

RankSail NumberYacht ClubSkipperCrewPlacePoints
18841KYCAli MellerKyber Lovshin11.0
2CAN 8821KYCJeff BoydMartin ten Hove22.0
38930LSYCDuane DelfosseMike Hull33.0
4USA 9005HYCThomas KivneyGordon Russell44.0
58696NSCDeb AshbyDave Adams55.0
68850OHCCDouglas WatsonAlex Taylor66.0
78587NSCPaul PlaceAlexander Tong77.0
8CAN 8442NSCThomas AdolphStephen Adolph88.0
9CAN 9028NSC/BYCMalcolm MacGillivrayDevlin Lovshin99.0
107773NSCThomas StorerNathaniel Storer1010.0
11920NSCMarie GendronDavid Browne1111.0
128260 (and 005)NSCJoel VoyerSiqi Zhang1212.0
139138OHCCMarek BalinskiSteve Lovshin1313.0
148753OHCCConor MorrisonDrake Morrison1414.0
15CAN7605KYCLuca ManningAdam Gesing1515.0
168987MBSCPeter ScannellTed HuebnerRET21.0
16CAN 7606OHCCRobert BartlewskiSabina BartlewskaRET21.0
16138NSCLuke StricklandChristian VoyerRET21.0


Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place

RankSail NumberYacht ClubSkipperCrewPlacePoints
18841KYCAli MellerKyber Lovshin11.0
28930LSYCDuane DelfosseMike Hull22.0
3USA 9005HYCThomas KivneyGordon Russell33.0
48987MBSCPeter ScannellTed Huebner44.0
58696NSCDeb AshbyDave Adams55.0
6CAN 8821KYCJeff BoydMartin ten Hove66.0
7CAN 9028NSC/BYCMalcolm MacGillivrayDevlin Lovshin77.0
88753OHCCConor MorrisonDrake Morrison88.0
98587NSCPaul PlaceAlexander Tong99.0
10CAN 8442NSCThomas AdolphStephen Adolph1010.0
11CAN 7606OHCCRobert BartlewskiSabina Bartlewska1111.0
127773NSCThomas StorerNathaniel Storer1212.0
138850OHCCDouglas WatsonAlex Taylor1313.0
14CAN7605KYCLuca ManningAdam GesingRET21.0

Scoring codes used

DNCDid not come to the starting area21
DNFStarted but did not finish21
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