Fall Training – Toronto Ontario – Weekend Summary

The Toronto 5o5 fleet came together for a 2 day training camp Sept 28/29. Hosted by OHCC, both days delivered 15+ knt winds out of the East and made for a great fall event. 

The first day was sailed primarily in the Outer Harbour boundaries with flat water, 15knts  from the north east, with gust 20+ knts and the offshore shifty conditions made for challenging wire to wire reaching conditions and a chance for the boats to compare upwind depowering techniques. 3 boats participated, with Ali in the OHCC coach Rib taking videos. By the end of the day the team were spent, with Simon and Conner winning the contest for time in the water.  The gang had a meaningful de-brief at the club and moved on to the Auld Spot where we were met by past 5o5 sailor Peter Hale , having dragged himself to the bar (on crouches!), where we had a few beers, dinner, and swapped stories. 

Peter Hale 

The second day the fleet ventured out beyond the shelter of the outer harbour and into the big easterly waves on the lake. Consistent 15 to 18knts with 3 to 5 ft waves made for ideal 505 conditions! The fleet was joined by crews Drake and Patrick, bumping the boat count to 4 plus coach Rib. Plenty of upwind and reaching practice, with all four boat progressively getting faster as the day progressed.

Big shout out to OHCC for hosting and providing use of the coach Rib, which made for a bigger, better and more importantly safer event. Shout outs to Ali and Shona for making he trip in and proving great insights.

Other links to the weekend:



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