New Ownership Sets Sail: Kingston Sail Loft continues under Ali Meller, Steve Yates, and Sue Fraser

Ali Meller, Steve Yates, and Sue Fraser have taken the helm as the new owners and operators of Kingston Sail Loft (KSL). Their focus is on sail repairs, but they’re not limiting themselves to only sail repairs.

KSL’s digital presence will reflect the latest developments. Keep an eye out for updates on the website and Facebook page, where the dynamic trio will showcase their commitment to the sailing community.

Expressing gratitude, Ali, Steve, and Sue acknowledge the invaluable support received from KSL’s founder and late owner, John Clark. They also extend their appreciation to his daughters for their assistance in facilitating the transition. Friends within the industry have been instrumental, providing advice, support, and encouragement as the new owners embarked on this journey.

Ali brings some sailmaking experience, having worked at Storer Sails in Barrie, Ontario, many years ago during a summer job. Despite his past exposure, he humbly acknowledges that there is much to learn about sail repair, sail making, and business operations.

Kingston Sail Loft is now officially open for business at its new location, 774 Baker Crescent, Kingston, ON K7M 6P6. Whether you’re a seasoned sailor or a curious newcomer, feel free to drop by and discover the latest happenings at KSL.

About Evan Jennings

I live in North Vancouver with my wife and two dogs. We have two kids at university in Ontario. We hike, ride our bikes and serve teams who deliver important projects.
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